BSR is a natural parapharmaceutical with universal effects on the human body, which detects and restores a disturbed program of hormonal, functional, metabolic and energy connections. It affects tissue metabolism and modulates the immune response, corrects genetic mutations in the cell, activates the system of destruction of defective cells, which leads to a halt in the development of tumor processes. It triggers regenerative and regenerative functions, exerting a regulatory effect on metabolic processes and homeostasis in general.
• to get rid of allergies of various origins (significantly reduces and stabilizes the IgE and allergen effective to the entire range);
• in autoimmune diseases (steadily reduces antibodies to the tissues of kidney, liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs);
• in immunodeficient states (non-specific resistance increases, it increases the level of secretory IgA lymphocytes and phagocytic, and normalizes the ratio of T and B lymphocytes, increases the synthesis of lysozyme contributes to the normalization of the skin microflora composition, nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract);
• to strengthen the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, degenerative processes in the myocardium, atherosclerosis, occlusive disease, and for the recovery of cerebral circulation and normalization of blood coagulation system);
• to increase the level of hemoglobin in anemia and restoring the blood values to normal;
• to prevent the development of leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia in cancer patients during radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
• to restore liver functions at esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, gingivitis, glossitis, including with erosive and ulcerative processes;
• contributing to “loosening” and the removal of stones;
• for the normalization of metabolism;
• at obesity, including complicated pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and metabolic disorders;
• during unloading diets, as well as a complete nutritional supplement providing balanced nutrition, including vegetarian diets;
• chronic intoxications;
• for the normalization of intestinal motility;
• at dysbacteriosis;
• in atopic dermatitis, urticaria;
• to maintain the functioning of the organism in diabetes type I and II, for diabetes insipidus;
• in disorders of the thyroid gland;
• to increase resistance in the pre- and postoperative period;
• to restore the motor function of the intestine, improving the outflow of bile, to accelerate reparative processes;
• as a fortifying agent for weakened patients (children, adults and the elderly );
• for the prevention of chronic inflammatory processes;
• under adverse environmental loads and high psycho-emotional (activates antioxidant system);
• radionuclide to enhance removal process, heavy metals from the body;
• for the protection of joints from destruction, it helps to restore cartilage tissue;
• For children from three years.