Based on observing people of different sexes and ages who took BSR, the following results were obtained.
Normalization of the level of all indicators (clinical and biochemical) of blood was noted.
Normalization of T- and B-cell components of the immune system was noted.
The study of the hormonal profile showed the correlating effect of BSR on the level of pituitary hormones and ovarian hormones in the I and II phases of the menstrual cycle, a significant increase in progesterone in the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle. An anovulatory cycle was not observed in any of the women of reproductive age.
The data obtained indicate reliable stabilization and normalization of the neurohormonal profile in the reproductive ring of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland-ovaries, which allows BSR to be recommended for girls of the pre- and puberty period in order to relieve the syndrome of psychoemotional lability, formation and normalization of the menstrual cycle.
Ultrasound revealed a decrease in the size of the subserous-interstitially located fibromatous nodes up to their complete lysis, a small percentage of women had a “birth” of submucous located fibromatous nodes, the cellularity of the myometrium structure and cystic degeneration of the ovaries disappeared.
After taking BSR, a positive EEG dynamics was revealed in the form of normalization of the alpha rhythm, the appearance of zonal differences, the disappearance of paroxysmal changes during functional loads. The revealed positive EEG dynamics indicates normalization of the functional state of mesodiencephalic brain formations while taking BSR in more than 90% of those who took BSR.
Functional studies of cerebral vessels showed no signs of venous stasis, improved blood supply to the zones of the carotid arteries, normalized vascular tone in the vertebrobasilar basin. BSR improves microcirculation not only by restoring the rheological properties of blood, but also by improving blood supply directly to the vessel wall itself (in particular the epithelium).
BSR restores previously disturbed processes of neurohumoral regulation and myocardial energy resources, which is expressed in the improvement of contractility, relaxation function and positive inotropic stimulation of the heart.
The restoration of bioenergy processes improves the compensatory abilities of the body, contributing to the work of the heart in a more economical mode.
In chronic latent forms of genital herpes and chlamydia, a massive exit of infectious agents from the cells and their subsequent elimination was detected, which is associated with the development of a “short” immunity by the body. This contributed to the restoration of the microscopic structure of the mucous and muscle fibers of smooth muscles.
The BSR preparation, when applied over a course of 21 days, increases the overall athletic performance of athletes by at least 30%, which is reflected in an increase in running time to failure on a treadmill with stepwise increasing physical activity.
A powerful antioxidant effect of the BSR was revealed at the same time. Morphologically, this effect was expressed in stabilization of muscle mass against the background of mobilization of fats, while in the control group there were signs of maladaptation to similar loads in the form of a total decrease in three morphological parameters (body weight, muscle mass, fat mass).
The drug BSR in case of course use prevents the increase of urea concentration in the blood of athletes (statistically significant by 17.8%), as well as the decrease in the level of hematocrit and lactate. An increase in the contractile ability of the myocardium and an improvement in the propulsive work of the heart were noted.
The economization of the function of the circulatory system was achieved by increasing the ability of muscles to use oxygen and improving the ability to isotonic contraction of the heart muscle.
Positive dynamics was noted on the part of the contractility of the myocardium and the phase structure of systole. The lengthening of the pre-exile period indicated an improvement in the ability of the myocardium to create the necessary tension for a powerful reduction. The reduced value of intraventricular pressure created the conditions for reducing stress in the wall of the left ventricle, which, together with reduced systolic indicators of the thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle and its size, contributed to a certain decrease in systolic meridional and circulatory stresses and an increase in the values of the functioning index of structures. Assessment of diastolic function showed an improvement in the ability of myocardiocytes to accumulate the required energy reserve.
Restores immunological reactivity in high-class athletes, which is expressed in the normalization of a reduced concentration of immunoglobulins A, M and G; normalizes the level of complement components S3 and C4, reduced as a result of exhausting physical exertion in athletes training for the development of endurance.
Favourably affects cellular immunity (phagocyte activity, phagocytosis intensity, lysosome activity, monocyte activity, increases the number of T and B lymphocytes). Normalizes non-specific protection factors, such as the level of alpha-1-glycoprotein and alpha-2-glycoprotein, while the concentration of seromucoid and haptoglobin practically does not change.