Modulation of the immune system response by exogenous factors
The regulation of the immune system response is carried out using direct (contact) intercellular interactions and using a wide range of soluble endogenous factors that mediate the distant regulation of the functional activity of immunocompetent cells.

However, the presentation of the basic principles of immunoregulation would not be complete without mentioning the influence on the immune response of factors of non-endogenous nature – biologically active substances that modulate immune processes. Indeed, the vital activity of the body is accompanied by a constant metabolism with the environment containing such factors, therefore, exogenous modulators of the immune response can be considered as one of the components that regulate the course of immune processes. It is also significant that the possibility of directional correction of the functions of the immune system using immunomodulators is widely used in clinical practice and the number of drugs that can correct immune processes is constantly growing. In this regard, it is important to note that the existing immunomodulatory drugs include not only substances of natural origin,
The classification of immunomodulators is based on the nature of their action on the immune system (stimulation or suppression) and their focus on one or another link of the immune system (T-, B-lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.). Drugs that enhance the overall resistance of the body are classified as non-specific immunostimulants. It should be noted that the division of drugs on these grounds is very conditional. Indeed, the use of immunomodulators that stimulate the functional activity of T-suppressors (killers) can be manifested both in the form of an increase in the immune response against infected cells, and quite the opposite – as a suppression of the response of T-helpers to foreign antigens. Along with this, it was found that almost all known immunomodulators, including those selective in relation to a specific link in the immune system, have the pleiotropic property, i.e. ability to act on various types of cells. Nevertheless, the existing classification divides immunomodulators into the following varieties: immunostimulants aimed mainly at the T-unit of the immune system (Timalin, T-activin, Timogen, etc.), the B-unit of the immune system (Myelopid, etc.), non-specific immunostimulants ( Muramyldipeptide, Sodium Nucleinate, Levamisole, BSR, etc.) and immunosuppressants (Azathioprine, Sandimmun, etc.).
For the effective use of immunomodulators in clinical practice, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of their action on the immune system and analyze the repertoire of the effects they produce. This problem is most fully solved for T-specific immunostimulants of a thymic nature, however, at present, a lot of interesting information has been accumulated on the mechanisms of action of other immunomodulators. In the framework of the problem of exogenous effects on the immunoregulation system under consideration, data on the effects of drugs of natural origin are of particular interest.
One of the promising immunomodulators of this series is BSR, a preparation prepared from the biomass of a specific fungus and possessing a combination of immunocorrective properties with adaptogenic and general strengthening effect.
BSR, unlike most known immunomodulatory drugs, is a complex compound containing a unique spectrum of vital organic and mineral components in an easily digestible form. Multi-profile biomedical research “BSR” revealed a wide range of its therapeutic effects, which probably reflects the diversity of properties of its constituent elements. At the same time, a number of corrective effects of BSR can be associated with its narrowly targeted effect on the neuro-endocrine regulatory system, which mediates the effect of the drug on various biological processes. This possibility is evidenced by the data on the normalizing effect of BSR on the hormonal status and on the functional state of the central nervous system. Hence,
Clinical Trials
As a result of experimental studies and clinical trials, it was found that BSR has a pronounced immunostimulating activity. This is manifested in the stimulating effect of the drug on almost all parts of the immune system. In particular, BSR significantly increases the phagocytic activity of macrophages and the main effectors of inflammatory reactions – neutrophils. The activation of cellular immunity by the drug is also associated with its costimulatory effect on T-lymphocytes, which was found in the model of mitogen-induced proliferation of these cells. The described effects were obtained in in vitro experiments; therefore, they demonstrate the direct effect of BSR on immunocompetent cells. Another illustration of the direct effect of this drug on the cells of the immune system is due to BSR increased in vitro production of a number of lymphokines by these cells, including: interleukins (IL-1 – IL-11), interferon inducer (alpha and gamma) and tumor necrosis factor (alpha / beta). The stimulation of BSR production of interleukins may be associated with an increase in the humoral immune response observed when taking the drug, as well as increased synthesis of interferon is probably one of the reasons for the antiviral activity of BSR. In turn, it can be assumed that the repeatedly registered antitumor effect of this drug is associated with an increase in the production of tumor necrosis factor by leukocytes. Along with the above, The important immunoregulatory properties of BSR (possibly mediated by its effect on the neuro-endocrine system) include the ability of the drug to activate the processes of lymphomyelopoiesis and the migration of immunocompetent cells from central lymphoid organs (bone marrow and thymus). Probably, this BSR property explains the effectiveness of its use in cancer patients during radiation and chemotherapy that damages lymphoid tissues. It is important to note that BSR stimulates not only the intensity of renewal of the organs of the immune system, but also the reparative processes in non-lymphoid tissues, which confirms the assumption that its effect in these cases is due to the action on the central regulatory system that controls all repair processes.
The listed effects of BSR illustrate the stimulating effect of the product on the immune system. However, there are examples of the opposite direction of its action – an action that inhibits pathological immune processes. In particular, it was shown that BSR is able to suppress allergic reactions by reducing the synthesis of IgE. It was also noted that the use of the drug normalizes the level of sensitization of the immune system to a number of bacterial allergens in patients hypersensitive to these antigens. In addition, a decrease in titer of autoimmune antibodies circulating in the blood caused by systemic autoimmune disorders was recorded due to BSR. A positive experience with the use of BSR in diabetes mellitus having an autoimmune nature may be associated with such elimination of autoantibodies.
Immunocorrective Effects
Thus, existing data demonstrate the complex immunocorrective effect of the described product, expressed in the selective normalization of impaired functions of the immune system. The given example of the influence of a biogenic adaptogen of natural origin on the immunoregulation system indicates, on the one hand, the possibility of a significant effect of environmental components on the course of immune processes, and on the other hand, illustrates the effectiveness of the use of immunocorrection drugs with a wide range of functional activity, i.e. drugs that enhance the immune status not only due to the directed action on certain parts of the immune system, but also by correcting deviations in the general system of homeostasis.
All subsequent work and observation in subsequent years confirms the immunocorrective effect. BSR is effective in autoimmune diseases, immunotherapy. of various etiologies and mast vaccination and does not allow for post-vaccination complications. Against the backdrop of the action of BSR, lymphocytes form a wide range of soluble antibodies that neutralize the virus and support the immune response by increasing the number of active B-lymphocytes with long-term memory. BSR helps inactivate the virus until it has a chance to infect new host cells. BSR prevents the virus from acquiring resistance properties and evolving. As a result of the destruction, the system of developing an immune (from 4 to 12 hours) response to this virus (manual immunization) is launched.
Clinical efficacy is confirmed for viral infections and immunocorrective properties, with adaptogenic and general strengthening effect.
Immunoprophylaxis of Children, BSR is recommended for sick children with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections (mono-and mixed infections): influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, mycoplasma, pneumococcal, staphylococcal and other infections. As an immunoprophylaxis for children before and after vaccination to prevent post-vaccination complications.
Maintaining an active immunity for athletes is important. The immune system is very important for athletes involved in competitive sports.
“BSR” – normalize – production: ■ α alfa-interferon ■ Y gamma-interferon – level of serum interferon. (The level of serum interferon.) The influence of “BSR” on α -Interferone and Y -Interferone Serum levels of patients with Chronic Respiratory Chlamydia, (n = 4). (Effect of BSR on α-interferon and Y-interferon in the blood serum of people with chronic Respiratory chlamydia, n = 4).

After course of “BSR” therapy in patients with chronic infection of respiratory tract and urogenital system (including mixed virus-bacterial, Chlamydia bacteria) production of alfa- and gamma-interferon and the contents of interferon in serum of blood was restored. – After a course of “BSR” therapy in people with a chronic infection of the respiratory and urogenital systems (including those mixed with virus-bacterial chlamydia-bacteria – production of alpha alpha and Y gamma interferon and the content of interferon in the blood serum has been restored.
“BSR” is effective in the treatment of patients with respiratory chlamydia sis accompanied by chronic fatique Syndrome and immunodisfunction.
“BSR” is an effective tool to help people with respiratory chlamydia accompanied by chronic fatigue syndrome and immunodeficiency.
“Biological Self Restore is a natural product that can be used safely for correction of disturbances of immune and interferon status in patients with secondary immunodeficiency and viral bacterial chronic infections.
BSR is a new safe natural product for the correction of immune imbalance and interferon status in people with secondary immunodeficiency and viral and bacterial chronic infections.