Endometriosis Treatment 

By stabilizing the hormonal background in women suffering from various forms of endometriosis, the BSR  eliminates the pathological effect of the final stages of oxidative stress, reduces the expression of cytochrome p450 aromatase and its mRNA, which allows endometrial cells to transform into a full secretory epithelium thus can be an effective endometriosis treatment.

endometriosis treatment

Increasing the reserve capabilities of the sympathetic-adrenal system, allows you to stop the autonomic disorders that are present in 86% of women with genital endometriosis.

Biological Self Restore has been shown in testing to be very useful as an endometriosis treatment either as a stand alone or in conjunction with other treatments.

Biological Self Restore can in the majority of cases reduce the pain and associated effects of endometriosis.

BSR preparation has been tested in gynecological practice.

A number of studies have shown a wide range of therapeutic effects of the product “Biological Self Restore”.

Biological Self Restore has many effects on the body including Normalizing endocrine-metabolic processes, BSR is indicated for endocrine-dependent diseases of the female genital organs – uterine myoma and endometriosis, dishormonal diseases of the mammary glands, and some forms of endocrine infertility.

More information on the use of BSR  for Gynecological issues can be found under the heading gynecological on this website.

When using BSR as a method to control or treat endometriosis you should start off with one tablet daily and slowly build up to the desired level or 3 tablets 3 times daily with food. 

It is always recommended to keep a log or a diary on your progress while on BSR this will not only be some great information to you, but to show your doctor.

Biological Self Restore does reduce endometriosis pain and greatly reduces the need for endometriosis surgery. If you require endometriosis surgery you should also use BSR to drastically reduce your chances of needing any additional endometriosis surgery to treat your endometriosis pain.